Awareness Workshops

1. Hawassa Awareness Creation Workshop

Date:  February 2 – 4, 2016

Venue: Hawassa – Central Hotel

The three day workshop was organized by the national REDD+ Secretariat at Hawassa Central Hotel. This workshop was facilitated by the SNNNP Regional REDD+ coordination unit. The objective of the workshop is to enhance effective participation of women in the REDD+ process.

An opening remark was made by Dr Teshale Wold Amanuel – SNNP REDD+ pilot coordinator. He welcomed the participants and introduced the objective of the workshop. In his speech noted that the significance of the active participation of all stakeholders, particularly women in protecting and developing the forest is vital. The active role of women in this process of participatory forest management is critical one in order to reduce emissions of carbon from deforestation and forest degradation Dr Teshale said that a lot is expected from the regional forest development program leaders, communities, experts and women in conserving and developing the forest of the country.

According to the program of the day paper has been presented by Dr Solomon Zewdie titled  “Overview of REDD+ readiness implementation in Ethiopia” . The presentation focused on:

  • Climate change and forests- while 80% GHGs is contributed from burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and forest degradation and it represents 20% of the global emission.
  • Context of REDD+ and its importance for developing countries
  • explained Phased approach of REDD+ ( readiness, implementation and result based phases).
  • national context of REDD+ and how it is embedded in the CRGE strategy of the country.
  • major milestones in Ethiopia’s REDD+ program
  • national REDD+ readiness key elements
  • Addressing gender in REDD+
  • approaches to national REDD+ strategy development
  • Social and environmental safeguards ( SESA,ESMF,RPF and PF)
  • progress on REDD+ pilot
  • Challenges of REDD+ readiness was also discussed in the presentation. Among others limited sectoral coordination, and  delayed MEFCC structure into regions
  • Way forward also highlighted by the presenter

The second presentation is made by Mr GetachewOumer from Farm Africa on participatory forest management and the pioneer Bale REDD+ project. His presentation focused on the following issues:

  • Importance of the eco-region
  • Participatory Forest Management implementation in Bale eco-region
  • Bale REDD+ pilot project
  • How the REDD+ project enhanced environmental and social awareness of the local communities
  • the presenter outlined the major challenges of the project such as misunderstanding of the project among the stakeholders

2. SNNPR REDD+ Awareness Creation Workshop

Date: May14-15, 2014

Venue: Lewi Resort Hotel, Hawassa, Ethiopia

The SNNPR REDD+ focal person presented Overview of the Regional workshop objectives, schedule and expected outputs consequently he invited Ato Fekeadeselasse Beza SNPR NREPA Manger to open the work shop.

The workshop was opened with remark delivered by the SNNPR NREPA Manager. In his key note remarks, Ato Fekadeselasse indicated Ethiopia is working to reach middle income country by developing climate resilient green economy strategy. In the strategy forest sector is one of the four major pillars. The forest sector emit about 37% of GHG hence working in the sector have implication to achieve goals of the CRGE strategy.

Ethiopia started implementing REDD+ readiness at federal level from January 2013 and the started activity will also be implemented from regional to kebele level. Capacity building activities at regional and local level particularly on creating awareness is the major activity to enable the forest dependent community know how to conserve the existing forest and restore the degraded forest area as well as how to get multiple benefits including carbon finance.

Starting from today for the next two consecutive days you acquire knowledge on REDD+ basics and in order to implement REDD+ in the region you will develop REDD+ management arrangement from regional to Kebele level. Finally, he stressed that the participants should participate actively and contribute to make the workshop fruitful and I announce that the two days workshop on REDD+ is officially opened.

Day 1. Presentations, Questions, Discussions and Suggestions

Following his remark in the first day of the workshop papers on Climate change & the Role of Forests to Climate Change, History of REDD+, REDD+ Technical Elements and Social and Environmental Considerations in REDD+ were presented.

Presnetation1. Climate change & the Role of Forests to Climate Change

The first paper was presented by Dr Yemiru Tesfaye SESA task force member his presentation title was Climate change & the Role of Forests to Climate Change.

In his presentation he briefly presented signs of Climate Change, causes of climate change, how greenhouse gas emitted to the atmosphere and source of GHGs and the global challenges caused by climate change.

He also give further details about global forest resource and how forests play a dual role in climate change and how forests can be a source of greenhouse gases, emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and how forests can also act as a “sink,” removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon in their biomass as they grow. In addition the presenter give details on how forests and other terrestrial systems annually absorb carbon dioxide.

Presntation2. History of REDD+

The second presentation was made by National REDD+ secretariat safeguard specialist on concise history of REDD+. The presentation includes International and national REDD+ evolution. In the international evolution the presenter explained how REDD excluded from 1997 –Kyoto protocol and how the exclusion resulted in the formation of Coalition for Rainforest Nations-CRN ( Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica and other forest nations) to include the issue on the next COP. In COP 11 Montreal Canada a fundamental millstone was achieved since CRN are supported by other eight countries. These countries proposed a mechanism for Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation in developing countries (RED). Finally, in COP-13 at the 2007 Bali UNFCCC meeting, an agreement was reached on “ the urgent need to take further action to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation(REDD). REDD+ has since expanded to include role of forest conservation, sustainable forest management, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in forests ( Reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry , forest rehabilitation etc) .

Concerning the national REDD+ process the presenter showed that how Ethiopia engaged in 2008 in REDD+ process by submitting letter of intent to participate in FCPF and the consequent participation steps of the country.

Presentation 3. REDD+ Technical Elements

National REDD+ Safeguard specialist Presented on REDD+ technical elements. The presentation focused and explained in detail on technical elements such as Measuring and Monitoring, Reference level, additionality, Leakage, Non-Permanence, reporting and verification.

Presentation 4. Social and Environmental Considerations in REDD+

REDD+ SESA taskforce member Ato Temesgen Yohannes presented social and environmental consideration in REDD+. The presenter pin pointed REDD+ potential positive impacts on social, environmental and economy at global, national, regional and local level. Complementary benefits of REDD+ such as sustainable forest management and ecotourism, and Maintenance of traditional livelihoods/cultural values associated with forests and environment were explained. He also presented the potential environmental and social risks created while implementing REDD+.

3. Tigray Regional Conference, REDD+ Awareness Creation Workshop

Dates: April 22, 2015

Place: Mekelle Planet Hotel Mekelle, Ethiopia

The program was started at 8:30 a.m. with program introduction and introduction of the participant.

Then Welcoming and Opening Speech was made by Ato Mulugeta, Tigray Region REDD+ Coordination unit coordinator, He stated that The Government of Ethiopia has initiated the Climate-Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) initiative to protect the country from the adverse effects of climate change and to build a green economy that will help to realize its ambition of reaching middle-income status before 2025. He stressed that the forest sector particularly REDD+ program is the main tool to achieve the CRGE strategy. Ato Mulugeta then announced that the workshop is officially opened.

Next, four presentations were made:

Presentation 1 – by Ato Solomon Haile, Social Safeguard Specialist at National REDD+ Secretariat, His presentation was focused on what climate change is, the causes of climate change, its consequence, Interventions to reduce the impacts of Climate change (CDM, REDD+), what is REDD+, why REDD+, Goals of REDD+ Program in Ethiopia, the link between Green Economy and REDD+, major Milestones in REDD+ Ethiopia, Approach to REDD+, Phases of REDD+, preformad activities of Readinesss, REDD+ Piloting, Oromia REDD+ Pilot Program, Tigray Amhara and SNNP Regional REDD+ Coordination Units.

Presentation 2 – Ato Sahlemariam Mezmur, Natural resources specialist at Farm Africa Ethiopia office, His presentation was focused on the Evolution of the Bale Mountains Eco-region REDD+ Project (BMERP), Bale Eco-region interventions by Farm Africa/SOS Sahel Bale & West Arsi Interventions (Past & current), BERSMP Overview Six Outputs (1. Eco-region planning, 2. Capacity Building, 3.PNRM, 4.NRB Livelihood diversification, 5.Sustainable Financing 6. Policy support/influence) addressing conservation and development priorities and the evolution of BMERP, BMERP development process and Efforts made to finalize PDD development. Finally Ato Sahlemariam share his organizations’ experience of the process of forming PFMP by showing a documentary Film that demonstrate the process of participatory forest management program.

Presentation 3 – Ato Waleligne Fetahi, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at National REDD+ Secretariat, presents the Lessons learnt from Humbo Afforestation Reforestation CDM project.the main points are World Vision Ethiopia General Back ground , WVE CDM experience, Experience of Humbo Assisted Natural Regeneration, Involvement of the Community in the planning process, Environmental, Social and Economic benefits of the project, Lessons learned from the project, Implication of the Humbo project and Other ongoing Carbon finance projects of WVE.

Presentation 4 – Ato Aregawi, Specialist at GIZ Tigray Regional office, presents Overview and Achievements of Tigray PFM Project, the reason why PFM is needed, History of PFM in Ethiopia, PFM in Tigray regional state, The goals of establishing PFM in Tigray, Success Indicators of the projects, Phases to Establish PFM (Mobilization, Planning and Implementation), Profile of the PFM Sites in the region, Implementing Woredas and Kebelles, Progress made so far and Challenges faced.

4. Benshanguel Gumuze Regional State awareness creation workshop

Date: February 12-13, 2015

Venue: Assosa, Ethiopia

Dr Solomon Zewdie National REDD+ Pilot coordinator presented Overview of the Regional workshop objectives, schedule and expected outputs consequently he invited BGRS Agricultural office Manger to open the workshop.

The Manger in his key note remark explained that Ethiopia is implementing climate resilient green economy strategy. In the strategy it is indicated that forest sector emit about 37% of GHG so working in the sector will realize the objective of the CRGE.

REDD+ is an incentive mechanism to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and it is started at national level in January 2013. In the readiness phase of REDD+ capacity building activities at regional and local level particularly on creating awareness is the major activity. This capacity building activity help stakeholders to understand what REDD+ means and enable them to work towards conservation of existing forest and restore the degraded forest area as well as how to get multiple benefits including carbon finance.

Finally, I would like to say well come and thank you the national REDD+ Secretariat for preparing this awareness creation program to our regional stakeholders. Starting from today for the next two consecutive days you will acquire knowledge on REDD+ basics and in order to implement REDD+ in the region. He concluded his opening speech by announcing the two days workshop on REDD+ is officially opened.


Presnetation1. Climate change & the Role of Forests to Climate Change and a brief history of REDD+.

Ato Yidenkachew Habte national REDD+ strategy task force member his presentation title was Climate change & the Role of Forests to Climate Change and a brief history of REDD+.

In his presentation he briefly presented signs of Climate Change, causes of climate change, how greenhouse gas emitted to the atmosphere and source of GHGs and the global challenges caused by climate change.

He also give further details about global forest resource and how forests play a dual role in climate change and how forests can be a source of greenhouse gases, emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and how forests can also act as a “sink,” removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon in their biomass as they grow. In addition the presenter give details on how forests and other terrestrial systems annually absorb carbon dioxide.

Presntation2. History of REDD+

The presentation includes International and national REDD+ evolution. Ato Ydenkachew in his presentation explained how REDD+ evolved starting from 1997 –Kyoto protocol and how the exclusion resulted in the formation of Coalition for Rainforest Nations-CRN ( Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica and other forest nations) to include the issue on the next COP. In COP 11 Montreal Canada a fundamental millstone was achieved since CRN are supported by other eight countries. These countries proposed a mechanism for Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation in developing countries (RED). Finally, in COP-13 at the 2007 Bali UNFCCC meeting, an agreement was reached on “ the urgent need to take further action to reduce

emissions from deforestation and forest degradation(REDD). REDD+ has since expanded to include role of forest conservation, sustainable forest management, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in forests ( Reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry , forest rehabilitation etc).

Presentation 3. REDD+ Technical Elements & national REDD+ Process

Dr Solomon Zewdie National REDD+ pilot Coordinator presented REDD+ technical elements. The presentation focused and explained in detail on technical elements such as Measuring and Monitoring, Reference level, additionality, Leakage, Non-Permanence, reporting and verification.

Under measuring & monitoring Dr Solomon explained the five places where carbon is stored in forests (“carbon pools”) and how these carbon pools can be measured by various techniques.

He explained basic steps of carbon accounting and IPCC measurement techniques.

Under Reference level the presenter explained various methods for establishing RELs/RLs including historical rates of land cover change, projected business – a- usual (BAU) scenario using economic models, historical deforestation adjusted for factors representing national social-economic and developmental circumstances such as demographic trends, forest cover or GDP.

Dr Solomon also further explained additionality, Non-permanence and two forms of leakage that REDD+ activities are susceptible to: activity leakage and market leakage.

Concerning the national REDD+ process the presenter showed that how Ethiopia engaged in 2008 in REDD+ process by submitting letter of intent to participate in FCPF and the consequent participation steps of the country.

Presentation 4. Social and Environmental Considerations in REDD+

REDD+ Environmental Safeguard specialist presented social and environmental consideration in REDD+. The presenter first explained the essence of safeguard and where & when REDD+ safeguard concept started in international negotiation. He further explained REDD+ potential positive impacts on social, environmental and economy at global, national, regional and local level. Complementary benefits of REDD+ such as sustainable forest management and ecotourism, and Maintenance of traditional livelihoods/cultural values associated with forests and environment were explained. He also presented the potential environmental and social risks created while implementing REDD+. Finally, the presenter explained type of safeguard instrument that Ethiopia is preparing for REDD+ .

5. Wollo University, Dessie, REDD+ Public Lecture

Date: March 21, 2016

Venue: Wollo University, Dessie

REDD+ Secretariat through the National REDD+ Coordinator held a public lecture at Wollo University on the 21st of March, 2016.

The topics covered in the public lecture include:

  • Background to Climate Change and REDD+
  • National Response to Climate Change: REDD+ Context
  • REDD+ Readiness Requirements and Implementation Status
  • REDD+ Investment Initiatives: Oromia Forested Landscape (REDD+) Program
  • Challenges and Opportunities of REDD+ Program in Ethiopia

The international day of forests with a theme ‘ forest and water’ has been used as an opportunity for giving REDD+ awareness to the university community.  In this connection, the vision of Ethiopia to increase forest cover in its mountains (water towers) for enhanced water resource development for energy, irrigation and domestic and international markets was highlighted. A video clip from South Korea – ‘Turning bare land into forest in Korea’ was presented to participants, and many were motivated and convinced that degraded areas in northern Ethiopia (also around Dessie) could be turned into forest.  Questions raised, among many, were the following:

  • How can we increase forest cover while the rural land is fully used for farming and grazing? How can we get land by convincing farmers?
  • How can your ministry help Wollo University to develop Tossa mountain into forest?
  • There were forest carbon (CDM) initiatives in the past in the country. Where do they stand now? Is money being obtained through carbon trading?
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