Amhara National Regional State, REDD+ Coordination Unit

Regional REDD+ Technical Working Group members, Bahir Dar

No Name Organization Position Mobile number Email Address
1 Wondim Berihun Bureau of Water Irrigation and energy Bioenergy process owner 0918095185
2 Workneh Alemayehu ORDA Forest Officer 0921283213
3 Bitew Shibabaw BoA Forest Expert 0918006585
4 Agumassie Genet Institute of biodiversity, Bahirdar Forest Junior researcher 0921283213
5 Alexander Sibhatu Amhara Forest Enterprise Forest extension expert 0913977781
6 Habtamu Assaye BDU Lecturer 0948690569
7 Dr. Belayneh Ayele Forum for env’t, BDU Associate professor 0918746517
8 Gebeyehu Tesfaye EFWPDA EIA expert 0913214725
9 Babiyew Sibhat BoLAU LUP process owner 0913258930

1. Amhara RRTWG meeting minute – 23 Nov 2016

Date: 23 Nov 2016

Venue: Enjibara Karnid Hotel

Agenda:- the objective of the RTWG members meeting is to get a clear picture of the annual working plan and Budget approved by the national REDD+ Steering Committee on the 3rd of November 2016. In addition, the meeting aims at information sharing on the overall progress of the regional REDD+ issues and the status of  the national REDD readiness.  the Technical working Group members. The third objective was to discuss on the possible ways of effective coordination between RCU and the key implementing Agencies.

Accordingly, the Regional coordination unit briefly presents overall planning processes and the challenges facing the planning process. and then the planned activities and the corresponding budget allocation was presented.  following the briefing of the annual work plan the technical working group members were invited to raise clarity questions, suggestion or comments on the annual plan.

For full document click below to download.

2. Amhara RRTWG meeting minute – 25 march 2016

Venue: Homeland Hotel, Bahir Dar

Date:  25 march 2016


  1. Ato Gebeyehu Tesfaye……… Chairman (EFWPDA)
  2. Dr . Belayneh Ayele…. Forum for environment, Bahirdar
  3. Ato Bitew shibabaw…. Co-chair (BoA)
  4. Ato Wondim Berihun…. Memeber (BoWIE)
  5. Ato Alexander Sibhatu…. Memeber (AFE)
  6. Ato Habtamu Asaye…..Member (Bahir Dar University -BDU)
  7. Ato Workneh Gebeyehu ….. Member (ORDA)
  8. Ato Agumassie…. Member (Biodiversity Institute- Bahir dar )
  9. Ato babyew Sibhat … Memeber (BoLAU)
  10. Ato Sintayehu Deresse… Secretary (RCU coordinator)

Discussion points/Agenda

  • Briefing the status of REDD+ readiness in Ethiopia
  • Discussion on the annual work plan and budget for the 2015/16 and 2016/17
  • Presentation and approval of the draft ToR prepared for RRTWG

The presentations are administered  by the National REDD+ secretariat and Regional REDD+  Coordination Unit. Each presentation has been followed by discussions, comments and questions are entertained thoroughly.

Accordingly, the recommendations,  comments , questions raised by  RRTWG Members on each of the presentations include.

For full document click below to download.

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