Analysis of National REDD+ Secretariat Media Awareness Activities

The National REDD+ Secretariat Communication plan emanates from the Secretariat’s monitoring and evaluation framework that has been designed by a German consultant hired by MEFCC/National REDD+ Secretariat during the launch of REDD+ mission. Yet, it took three years for the REDD+ communication strategy to be designed due to unavailability of qualified professionals when invited via bid announcement. As a result, the communication activities were guided by the outputs, goals, and targets set in the M&E framework.
Among other achievements, the REDD+ communication major achievements were attained from the media awareness raising activities undertaken together with Fana Broadcasting Corporate and other print and electronic Medias.
The following media analysis discuss the “Who - Says What - In Which Channel – With What Effect?” Also tells the Where, When and the How?

To download the media analysis full document click here.Media analysis Final

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