Community Level Consultation Summary

Community level consultation was conducted in 24 Woredas to collect inputs on draft REDD+ Strategy. The consultation conducted between June and September 2017.  The procedure followed to conduct the consultation is free prior informed consultation.  Prior to the consultation date and issues for consultation were posted in the form of notice in different location where the community gathered. In the consultation a total of 3254 participants were engaged from these 2771 Male and 483 were Female.

Table. Summary of Local community Level Consultations

No Consultation thematic areas Inputs Region Woreda Locality Participants Total Attachment
Male Female
1.1 -1.2  

·       Cause of Deforestation and forest Degradation,

·        Emission level of the country due to deforestation & forest degradation,

·       Environmental and social benefits of forest resources

Institutional arrangement for REDD+ implementation

ü  Coffee Plantation is one of the major cause of forest degradation in the Kebele,

ü  Increased number of forest dependent people for their livelihood is also the main cause for forest degradation in the locality

ü  Currently, communities live style is changing thus people prefer to use charcoal than open fire, which is negatively contributed to forest maintenance

ü  Institution at Kebele level is important for facilitating grass root implementation

Oromia Gera  Genji Chala 136 21 157  

1.2.Oromia Community Consultation on REDD+ Strategy

ü  Maintaining cultural tie between the people and the forest need to be promoted.

ü  Infrastructure development has impact on the forest resource of the country

ü  Overlapping of mandate among the different sectoral offices led to the depletion of forest resources


Oromia Wanja Kerensa 121 18 139
ü  Cause of deforestation in their locality is due to conflict between humans and wildlife. The community distracts the forest since the baboon living in the forest create problem on their crop.

ü   In the established PFM group and for new individuals in the kebele no clear rules on how to utilize wood for construction

Oromia Gechi Gito 66 6 72
ü  Some of the drivers point out by the participants is Population number, Poverty, Agricultural expansion, Coffee expansion by investors and illegal settlements.

ü  Increased number of baboon has threaten their crops production

ü  If  the consultation is a continuous program, it would contribute to narrowing of awareness gap

Oromia Jimma Sema Seka 47 0 47
ü  Expansion of large coffee farming in forest;

ü  Increased encroachment to forest in order to protect increased wild animal (baboon) from their crop;

ü  When any project introduced to an area the consent of community is crucial. However, some project started without community consultation and failed to achieve their objectives

Oromia Yayu Sombo Achibo

( in two Kebeles)

212 38 250
ü  Compensation need to be considered while using communal land for affroestation

ü  during the government transition period the mountain forest cover is changed into crop land

ü  Currently the plantation activities undertaken by OFWE and private farmers decrease the pressure of the local community on natural forest for construction purpose and fire wood. Such activities would be incentivized by the concerned bodies to secure natural forest.

ü  In demarcating the existing natural forest under OFWE concession the surrounding community was not consulted. Because of this, the sense of ownership for the forest managed by the Enterprise and the awareness about enterprise itself is poor among the community. Therefore, consulting the community influenced by the implementation of the REDD+ prior to implementation is good approach.

Oromia Cheliya Refiso Alenga

( Conducted into two Kebeles)

96 5 101
ü  The participation of the local community is crucial and the participation also requires legal recognition. This will help the community to participate more and get benefit generated from the forest.

ü  The cause of deforestation and forest degradation in our case is expansion of agricultural land which totally changes forest land to other land use and degrading the existing natural forest for coffee production.

ü  Although expanding farm land is to produce surplus, the achieved result is not as per as the expectation of farmers due to the decrease of the longevity of raining season which is manifestation of climate change. This results in reduction of productivity from time to time. The decrease in amount of rain also has an influence on coffee productivity and quality.

ü  Following the reduction of forest cover the number of springs and their discharge also decrease. This is completely because of loosening the cultural values and beliefs of the community on natural resource by new generation. Our elders had a good culture that valued trees especially when they governed their community by Geda system. As these traditional governing systems slow down in this area such good values were also disappeared. This harms our natural environment.

ü  Expansion of commercial plantations also harms the indigenous trees. Because these plantations are exercised on agricultural lands converted from forest land. This needs care and follow up experts to expand environmentally friend species


Oromia Lalo Asabi Woreda Horda Dalati  Kebele


Jarso Damota Kebele


305 24 325
ü  The forest coverage of the area is decreasing from time to time because of changing forest land to agricultural land and expansion of coffee. Oromia Dale Sadi Woreda Ogiwo Jaro Kebele 35 35
ü  The community of this kebele is different from others as they are settlers displaced from eastern Ethiopia, Hararge zones due to the impact of frequent drought. To get crop land the settlers converted the forest land into other land Oromia Dale Sadi Woreda Biqila Birbir kebele 45 8 53
21.-2.4 ü  In their locality the main cause for the forest degradation are extraction of wood for construction, and illegal timber extraction form the natural forest

ü  To address the above problems the community suggested that every household should plan tree seedlings in their backyards

ü  Enrichment planting is required in degraded natural forest areas

ü  In order to implement the REDD+ Strategy effectively and efficiently the implementing entity need to prepare incentive mechanism for the is required at local community level

ü  It is important to implement watershed development regulation in order o reduce impact of free grazing on forest resources

ü  Strengthening of institutional capacity at local level( Kebele) is important to reduce deforestation and forest degradation

Amhara Tarma Ber Woreda Asfachew 116 30 146 2,22,2018 Community Level Consultation Summaryon REDD+ Strategy 2.1 Shimelegara Community Consultation on REDD+ Strategy 2.2. Asfachew Community Consultation on REDD+ Strategy 2.3. Meqa Community Consultation on REDD+ Strategy

2.4. Wofwasha Community Consultation on REDD+ Strategy


ü  Low level of community awareness on causes and consequence of deforestation and forest degradation

ü  Nomads and Migration of farmers from other part of the country into our kebele led to conversion of forest land into crop land

ü  lack of clear forest and communal land tenure

ü  expansion of illegal charcoal trade

ü  some local community members occupy forest land and rent  the land to other people coming from other areas

ü  land was not provided for unemployed youth aggravated indirectly deforestation and forest degradation

ü  all land in the kebele need to have owners

ü  jurisdictions of every Kebele need to be demarcated

ü  forest fire expansion


Amhara Metema Woreda Meqa Kebele 147 17 164
ü  Absence of demarcation among the neighboring Kebeles hamper protection of the forest resources

ü  Free grazing

ü  Expansion of Illegal forest product trading ( charcoal, bamboo )

ü  Absence of job opportunity for youth

ü  Forest demarcation and local level institutional set up need priority


Amhara Metema Shemel Gara 304 10 314
ü  Capacity building on benefits of forest resources

ü  Forest fire caused during the extraction of  honey from the traditional beehives

ü  Low level of attention from the government on forest sector development at lower level

ü  Conduct organized awareness creation at local level

ü  Creating job opportunity by giving attention to jobless youth

ü  Exercising modern beekeeping activities only on permitted forest sites

ü  Strengthen the institutional setup

ü  Equal engagement of  different woredas found around the forest

Amhara Tarmaber WofWasha 114 45 159
ü  Different tree species like Maytenus undata, Psydrax shimpariana, and other species are now locally endangered from Desa Forest due to forest degradation

ü  Absence of forest ownership and demarcation between two regional state created forest degradation on forest resource found between the two regions( Afar & Tigray)

ü  Low level of awareness among the local community found nearby forest resources aggravated forest degradation

ü  Forest pest and insects created forest degradation problems in different forest resource

ü  There should be Clear boundary

ü  Engagement of federal government on areas where there is conflict between two neighboring regions on forest ownership and management required to be high

ü  There should be a mechanism for local community benefit from forest product

ü  There should be forest management plan

ü  Expansion of electrification and renewable energy

ü  Improve livestock drinking Water sites

ü  the participants agreed on management arrangement proposed on the strategy and also need to incorporate locally accepted and practiced traditional forest management  mechanisms (like  Abo Gereb )

Tigray Astbi Wenberta Kolishemoni 87 24 111  


Minute with Picture, Attendance , and Notice to Inform Prior  the local community on consultation



ü  settlement in protected forest areas

ü  expansion of small scale agriculture by rovers

ü  Charcoal making expansion

ü  Expansion of settlement in the forest and utilizing the forest for construction of houses

ü  Military barracks

ü  War between Eritrea and Ethiopia also contributed to the expansion of forest fire

ü  In order to stop rovers strong coordination  between the local community and the government is required

ü  participatory protected area management should be implemented to reduce impact on protected areas

Tigray Tayetay Adiabo Adi tsetser 82 25 107
4 ü  Conflict between two neighboring regional Kebeles led to deforestation

ü  Free grazing and unsustainable forest product utilization  by illegal settlers

ü  Lack of forest guards in forest areas

ü  Less focus for forest sector and less trained man power

ü  No government institutional set-up at kebele level and no extension workers engaged to work like other sectors

ü  Absence of forest tenure right

ü  Prevent settlement in forest area

ü  Promote participatory and community  forest





Wondo Genet Wesha Soyoma 78 22 100 4.2. Community Consultation on REDD+ strategy
Wondo Genet Watera Qechema 84 30 114
ü  Forest fire

ü  Border Conflict between neighboring regions, woreda and kebele trigger deforestation

ü  Regional, Woreda and Kebele trans-boundary illegal tree cutting

ü  Absence of demarcation between regions, woredas and kebeles

ü  Low level  of awareness among the farmers on planting trees in their farm plot

ü  Lack of awareness on how to use energy saving cook stoves

ü  Absence of alternative job opportunity

ü  Law level of legal enforcement ( no proper punishment on persons caught while cutting  trees)

ü  Low level of follow up & monitoring on restored and newly established forest areas

ü  Encourage planting seedlings on parts of the farm land

ü  Create job opportunity for youth

ü  Enhance awareness creation

ü  Forest development, conservation and management should not be a one time job

ü  Support family planning activities to management the impact of population growth



Arbaminch Zuria Kolla Shelle 94 6 100
Lantea 72 28 100
Cause for deforestation and forest degradation

ü  Infrastructure development is main cause for deforestation

ü  household wood consumption for different purpose ( construction, fuel wood, farm implement)

ü  forest fire

ü  expansion of coffee farm

ü   absence of forest demarcation

ü  Using investment land for other purpose

ü  Providing forest land for people resettled due to infrastructure development

ü  Absence of forest ownership and awareness

ü  There should be a regulation that prevent settlement in forest land

ü  Strong monitoring techniques need to be in place





















Decha Gundura Shalla 73 27 100
Awrada 83 17 100
ü  Forest fire outbreak due to traditional bee keeping

ü  Illegal encroachment and settlement in the forest

ü  Illegal tree loggers

ü  Lack of alternative energy source

ü  Lack of forest monitoring system

ü  Identification and demarcation of forest land

ü  Create planned fuel wood consumption method

Sheko Berge 80 20 100
Gze Meret 74 14 100




Ouwa 74 30 103
ü  Free grazing

ü  Providing land for investment without conducting in-depth analytical studies

ü  Illegal charcoal making & timber production

ü  Rehabilitate disaster risk sites

Gatimo 98 15 103
ü  Low level of awareness among the community

ü  Illegal logging

ü  Deforestation caused by refugees

ü  Illegal extraction of gum and resins

ü  Deforestation caused by migrants from other part of the country 

ü  Absence of monitoring on investors encouraged some of the investors to engage themselves on charcoal making 

ü   emigration of people and illegal settlement in the forest area need to be monitored

ü  Illegal extraction of gum and resins need to be monitored in collaboration with the community

ü  Investment need to be monitored by all government stakeholders by engaging local community

Benshangule Gumuze Regional State Bambassi


Assosa Zuria

Representatives of Different Kebeles 30 1 31 5. BGRS Expert & Community Consultation on REDD+ Strategy
ü  Traditional honey harvesting techniques  create forest fire and cause deforestation

ü  Trans-boundary pastoralists specially who came from South Sudan and other country cause forest degradation

ü  Large scale agricultural investment

Gambella Regional State Abobo & Gambella Zuria Representatives of Different Kebeles 18 2 20 Picture  and



  Total 2771 483 3254



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