The Global and Ethiopia REDD+ Background

The global forest sector contributes 17% of the global greenhouse gas emission and it could be addressed cost effectively.  Since 2005, Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have been actively negotiating a policy initiative that entails the development and implementation of policies and measures (PAMs) that ... The government of Ethiopia supports the global climate policy as well as the REDD+ mechanism as climate change mitigation mechanism. Ethiopia has been in the process of developing its REDD+ program since 2008. The Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) was prepared in 2011 in a participatory way and its implementation started in January 2013 ...

Global REDD+ Background | Ethiopia's Context of REDD+


The Warsaw Framework for REDD+ states that before receiving RBPs, developing countries need to have in place the four elements of REDD+ readiness: National REDD+ strategy (Action Plan), the National Forest Monitoring Systems (including the REDD+ MRV system), the Forest Reference Level (FRL) and Safeguards Information System (SIS). The Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) was prepared in 2011 in a participatory way and its implementation started in January 2013.

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Result-based Actions

With a timeframe of 15 years, the NRS implemented in phases, is designed to realizing objectives of the forestry sector's potential contribution to climate change mitigation (50% of the total national emissions reduction in 2030) in a realistic planning and implementing of REDD+ PAMs. Thus, although the NRS eventually is implemented at national scale, Ethiopia will initially prioritize REDD+ PAMs for addressing deforestation in hotspot areas and restoration along natural forest areas.

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Result-based Payment

Countries have to follow two distinct reporting procedures to access RBPs under the UNFCCC. The first is the technical assessment of the proposed FREL/FRL and the MRV of anthropogenic forest-related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest carbon stock and forest-area changes resulting from the implementation of REDD+ PAMs. The second part is reporting of mitigation results through a national Greenhouse Gas inventory (GHG-I),

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Ethiopia’s REDD+ Readiness Accomplishments have been unanimously endorsed

By: Yisehak Dinku (NRS) The REDD+ Ethiopia R-Package has been formally endorsed by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Participants Committee on the 26th of September 2017 at Luang Parabang in Laos PDR, with great recognition of the efforts made on Readiness implementation. Ethiopia’s R-package has gone through a rigorous independent review by an international Technical […]

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Ethiopia Advanced in REDD+ Readiness

Written By: Yisehak Dinku NRS UNFCCC published on its website Ethiopia’s modified FRL. Accordingly, the forest reference emission level for deforestation is 17,978,735 tCO2 /year and the forest reference level for afforestation is 4,789,935 tCO2 /year. As stated by UNFCCC the version of the FRL estimates have been improved and the data was constructed from […]

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The Norwegian Government Offered Support

By: Walilign Ayele Addis Ababa: As part of the Framework Agreement for REDD+ Partnership, the Royal Norwegian government offered 1.4 (one point four) billion Birr grant to the efforts that will be made to prevent climate change and for the implementation of green economy. During agreement signing occasion, the State Minister for Ministry of Finance […]

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Result-based Actions

Result-based Actions With a timeframe of 15 years, the NRS implemented in phases, is designed to realizing objectives of the forestry sector’s potential contribution to climate change mitigation (50% of the total national emissions reduction in 2030) in a realistic planning and implementing of REDD+ PAMs. Thus, although the NRS eventually is implemented at national […]

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Readiness The Warsaw Framework for REDD+ states that before receiving RBPs, developing countries need to have in place the four elements of REDD+ readiness: National REDD+ strategy (Action Plan), the National Forest Monitoring Systems (including the REDD+ MRV system), the Forest Reference Level (FRL) and Safeguards Information System (SIS). The Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) was […]

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Training given for Journalists & Public Relation Experts

The National REDD+ Secretariat (MEFCC) has provided training for Journalists and Public Relation officers on REDD+/ Forest Management, as related to the implementation of REDD+ readiness activities and CRGE held from March 26 – April 04/2017 (ten days) at Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources. Certificates have been given to 47 participants by […]

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Government of Ethiopia and World Bank Sign US$18 Million Grant Agreement for Improving the enabling environment for sustainable forest management and investment in Oromia National Regional State

A Grant Agreement amounting to US$18 million was signed on Thursday 23 March 2017 between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the World Bank at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MoFEC). According to the Grant Agreement, the World Bank will support the implementation of Oromia  National Regional State […]

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The National REDD+ Secretariat of Ethiopia

The scope of REDD+ in Ethiopia will include activities aim at  reducing emission from deforestation; reducing forest degradation, forest conservation, sustainable forest management, and the enhancement of carbon stocks. As part of the earlier activities of afforestation and reforestation (A/R) indifferent parts of Ethiopia, the '+' aspect of REDD+ will be given special attention in future activities. A/R activities that will be included in the REDD+ mechanism (as carbon stock enhancement) will provide incentives to regenerate forests in previously deforested areas.

The REDD+ Readiness Requirements

Based on the Warsaw Framework for REDD+, Ethiopia need to have in place six (6) major requirements and thirty four (34) criteria for REDD+ Readiness. The six requirements are National REDD+ Strategy, Safeguard Instruments, Design Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) System, Determining Forest Reference Level (FRL), Establishing Management Arrangements and Consultation, Participation, Communications and Outreach activities.

National REDD+ Strategy
The national REDD+ strategy of Ethiopia addresses key issues pertaining its effective implementation. The strategy identifies and thoroughly analyses key sectors that are directly or indirectly involved in emissiosn reduction, focusing on sectorial policies. Likewise, it identifies international and national policies and conventions related with REDD+ implementation and proposes appropriate REDD+ legal framework.

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Safeguard Instruments
Safeguard Instruments are procedures and approaches that can help to ensure that REDD+ activities “do no harm” to people or the environment, but rather enhance social and environmental benefits. This definition implies more than avoiding risks. Safeguards for REDD+ have been included in the Cancun Agreement at COP 16th in 2010 to ensure that REDD+ actions do not cause negative social or environmental impacts. The Cancun Agreement outlined seven safeguard elements.

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Design Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) System
A REDD+ MRV implementation project has been developed with the support of MEF and the MRV task force earlier. For the implementation of the National Forest Monitoring System and REDD+ MRV, the GoE and FAO signed a Technical Assistance (TA) agreement on August 7, 2014 that would run for a period of 2.5 years. with a total cost of USD 3, 915,348. The major tasks of this TA are establishing the RELs/RLs, undertaking the National Forest Inventory and designing the MRV system.

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Determining Forest Reference Level (FRL)
Ethiopia‟s Forest Reference Level (FRL) is prepared in the context of results based payments for REDD+ implementation. The country has been in the REDD+ Readiness implementation sicne January 2013. The FRL includes deforestation and afforestation, AGB, BGB, deadwood and CO2 emissions; it is national and based on a historical average of emissions and removals between 2000 and 2013. The Forest Reference Emission Level for deforestation is 19,498,496.10 tCO2/year; the Forest Reference Level for afforestation is 10,247,080.97 tCO2/year.

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Establishing Management Arrangements
During the R-PP development in Ethiopia national stakeholders pointed out that lack of a dedicated forest institution as a serious gap for REDD+ program in the country. In response to this, the government of Ethiopia has made a keystone action for realizing the goals of the CRGE strategy (REDD+ included) by establishing the new Ministry of Environment and Forest. Another key achievement in this component has been the staffing of the REDD+ Secretariat and procurement of the major goods with the FCPF grant.

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Consultation, Participation, Communications and Outreach activities
REDD+ awareness and training had been given to all members of the REDD+ management bodies. Awareness have also been expanded to the regional higher officials, senior experts, parliamentarians, research academic institutions and civil society in a series of workshops and seminars. In this period, following the approved AWP, three Regional REDD+ awareness Workshops, two Regional REDD+ Conferences and one National REDD+ Conference have been held so far, which is 75% of the required stakeholders engagement workshops planned during the fiscal year.

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REDD+ readiness criteria are 34 ...

The REDD+ Implementation

REDD+ implementation has been started in 2016 in ...

CDM/ PFM Learning Network Established by REDD+

This piece collates basic information on forest projects in Ethiopia with a special focus on forest carbon (CDM and REDD+) and Participatory Forest Management (PFM).

Ethio-Wetlands & Natural Resource Association (EWNRA)

Established (year), 2000 G.C. not for profit local NGO

Farm Africa, SOS Sahel Ethiopia

Established (year), FARM Africa: 1980 GC; SOS Sahel: 1985 GC. FARM Africa: International NGO; SOS Sahel: National NGO

Horn of Africa Regional Environmental Center and Network (HoAREC & N)

Established (year), 2006 GC, NGO under the auspices of Addis Ababa University

Sustainable Natural Resource Management Association (SUNARMA)

Established (year), 2000 GC, NGO

World Vision Ethiopia

Established (year), 2006 GC, NGO

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenabreit (GIZ)

Bilateral, Rahem Building, Megenagna, Diaspora square P.O. Box 100009, P.O. Box 100009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: +251(0) 116 6299884,

Environment and Coffee Forest Forum (ECFF)

Established (year), 2005E.C., NGO, ECFF, P. O. Box 28513 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Norway Government



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  Phone:  +251111704214

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  P.O.Box: 12760


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